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About Us

Law Firm Čogurić & Matak, based in Zagreb, Ilica 41a, has been in business since 1 January 2010. It was formed by a company split-up of the Law Firm Andreis – Čogurić & Partners, founded in 1996, immediately after the Legal Profession Act allowed the establishment of law firms as a form of partnership among attorneys.


The founders are attorneys Rajko Čogurić and Šime Matak. The firm employs a total of three professionals and one administrative officer, who are qualified for work in all areas of legal issues. Since the firm covers a wide range of legal areas, the clients can obtain adequate legal support in nearly all fields of law.


Years of experience determine the way business is organized, in particular the way final legal rulings and decisions are made. In other words, all important and fundamental decisions on certain issues are the result of the work and final approval given by the firm’s founders.